Bruce Proven

Bruce Proven, an outside salesperson for Joseph E. Biben Sales Inc., joined the company in October 2001 as an inside sales/cust. service associate, primarily handling T&B related duties. His multifaceted background includes stints with a manufacturer electrical sales representative, an electrical distributor, and an electrical contractor. This diverse experience equips him with a unique ability to empathize with all customer needs, be they distributors, contractors, or end-users, while also understanding the manufacturer's perspective. After five years of handling T&B on the inside, Bruce embraced the opportunity to become an outside sales associate. His strengths lie in "bridging the gap" between manufacturers and their clients, fostering mutually beneficial relationships. Bruce's interests extend to Philadelphia sports teams, especially the Phillies. He's a dedicated fan, attending home games, minor league matches, and spring training sessions. With a large family, he values quality time with loved ones, both within his Biben family and customer family.